Australia diaries (Farm life)

Hello everybody! 🌟

I am back again after a looong time. Seems like I always come back after I have something more interesting to write about, but this topic I really wanted to share with you and also keep it for myself to see what an adventure I’ve decided to do ahhaha.

So pretty much all started with me ending my job in my country which put me in weird point of life, because I suddenly didn’t know what to do with my life…so I’ve remembered that I had this conversation about 2 years earlier with my friend going to Australia for WHV and even though I was thinking that it's a bit of unrealistic decision because first of all I’m 27, and I wasn’t sure if I still want to travel this far to another country and start there a new life, but also it wasn’t the easiest to get the visa there, but I said to myself but since there is nothing else I could think of to do in my life right now I’ve decided to give it a try, and it worked coz I’m already writing this post from Australia haha.

I’m going to talk about my Australian journey in another post, but now I’m just full of with this topic I have to share with you. It's about 8 months since I arrived here, and I’ve decided to try to extend my visa here, which means that I have to do 88 days of regional work and then I’m able to apply for a second year here, YES what (a) requirements, it is also more specified with what you can do and where, but I was deciding between two options, working in hospitality somewhere in northern part of AUS or on an island or choosing a farm life in the middle of nowhere. Of course, it wouldn’t be me if I would choose the harder variant and choose the farm, it was mainly because I was already working in hospitality before, so I wanted a change and also because it just sounded like a lifetime experience. 

It wasn’t the easiest to get the job, but it actually didn’t take me much time, I guess I was quite lucky with that, and I’ve got a message from a farmer that they are looking for somebody to work at their farm. Perfect! I was so excited about that! But as I said farms here are literally in the middle of nowhere, so it took some time to get there. At this point I was located in Byron bay, so I had to find a bus to go to Brisbane where I could fly to Townsville, luckily in Brisbane I found a girl that was driving to Townsville, so I just got a ride from her. It took about 16h to get there, so we had a sleepover stop in one town and then on Sunday evening we finally arrived. BUT! Meanwhile, I’ve received a call that I won't be able to get at the farm because there are I had to change my ticket for the following Monday (coz there was only one bus going every Monday)…after one mental breakdown that it didn‘t go as I planned I’ve decided to then spend a week in Magnetic Island, because in Townsville was nothing to do..mainly because it was really hot and it's not possible to swim there because of stingers, but it was also on my list to see it anyway at some point. So after spending 2 nights in Townsville I took a ferry with all my suitcases (that was a tough one) to Magnetic island where I stayed till Sunday…then I planned to stay in Townsville one night, so I could catch the early bus on Monday, but got a call that the bus was rescheduled for Sunday night instead, and then they said they will change the time of arrived but never was pretty confusing and annoying in the same time because I had to go with all my stuff to the station and since it was the weekend there was nobody I could call from the bus company…so not the best experience. After waiting for the bus it finally arrived, and I was so happy that I can actually go, FINALLY!🐄🐎

Arrived there 8 hours later at 4:30 in the morning so had to wait till about 8:30 am for somebody to pick me up to go on the farm, coz it was still like 2 hours drive from there…but luckily there was a café open, so I could just wait there, was super happy about it.

After waiting for a while a girl from the farm picked me up and because they don't get to the town, so often she had to do some grocery, pick up some mail etc…When we got to the farm I just unpacked everything, cleaned my room and relaxed for the rest of the day because the next day my work be continued

This is the night sky here! Speechless

That is the end of the first part of my farm life journey in Australia, and I’m gonna be back with more posts about it soon. 😊

Yours Suzy 💙
