My Australian journey (part 2)


I'm back with the new post about my life here in Australia, and today I would like to talk about the actual life of living here in Perth, where my journey began. 

I'm writing this while I'm still on a farm with smile on my face, coz What a memories I've experienced for those about 5 months of living here. 

So when I had my jobs and a place to stay I started to discover Perth and the place where I lived which was Scarborough. Looking back I really liked Perth, speaking as somebody who is not a fan of big crowded cities, Perth is quite spread out, so I didn't feel there such busy life as I normally feel in bigger cities. But my favourite was Scarborough, where the beaches were so white and spread out that you could always find a spot just for yourself, watch the beautiful sunsets, enjoy the beach and ocean. I really enjoyed just grabbing a coffee and relax on the beach or walking along the coast, the views were just magical. Here you have an example of that:

My days were mostly filled with work or spending time on the beach, but later on after finding new people I also did some trips and discovered the surroundings of WA. Even though as I already said, Western Australia is really spread out, so anywhere you go, you pretty much need a car, because the distances are quite big, so it was not the easiest to always find a time to do these trips, but I still managed to do some. 

One of the first trips I went with a friend to a Penguin island…with no penguins ahhaa a bit of a disappointment. Well they stayed there but at that period we went there, they always left the island pretty early to go to the ocean, so it was really hard to spot them. But other than that it was a really nice island, quite small, so we could walk around it. We also saw some pelicans and other birds nesting there, so we had to be careful of where we could walk. Then we enjoyed the beach, did some snorkelling and in the evening went back home.

Not a trip but an important event that I went to was a very spontaneous concert of Coldplay. That’s a funny story. Because I really wanted to go to one for a very long time and I knew that they are gonna be in Perth, but I was thinking that it's gonna be pretty much sold out already but then it popped up on me that a person was selling tickets and I got so excited that I was already convinced that I’m gonna go there. In the end I bought a ticket on a ticket platform the day of the actual concert, when I was waiting in front of the arena, and it almost seemed impossible, but I’ve got one an hour after the concert started ahah but fortunately when I got there, there was only a support singer performing. It was so worth it!💝

Other than that, still enjoyed my beach days in between my work and also a top activity was going to a Scarborough amphitheatre to join a beach DJ event sometimes, coz it was such a vibe!

Then it came to December and Christmas, which I’ve decided to celebrate here, it was about 30 degrees outside, so it was really weird haha.😅 I’ve organized a dinner at my place with some of my friends and later on, on New Year's Eve we went to a New years beach party, which was fun too. 

In January me and my friend went to a Rottnest island and if you’ve heard about it, you know why we went there! Because of the Quokkas, cute little creatures nicknamed as the happiest animals in the world because of their smile. This is probably the only island, where you can see these animals…can be also on other parts of WA but its very rare and on this island was a bunch of them. The island is not only known for the Quokkas but also for the beautiful beaches and clear ocean, so we’ve spent there a whole day just wandering around the island, enjoying the beaches and just having a good time.

Tip for you: Book a hop on and hop off bus if you will go there, the island is quite big and this bus goes along the whole island and stops pretty much near every beach, you can also borrow bikes but if you go there during the really hot period, its hilly, so you would spend most of the time just biking instead of enjoying the island itself.

Visiting Animal sanctuary: Australia has plenty of them, where you can actually see the native animals of Australia from quite close up. And since I still haven't seen any of the typical animals here, I really wanted to visit one. 

Till mid of February I was again mostly working, exploring some other places nearby and preparing for leaving Perth, because I’ve decided to discover the East coast and also made that big decision of trying to extend my visa for a second year which included finding a job there. 

It was quite sad leaving Perth, since I already found some comfort vibe here but that's exactly when I had to leave ahah, its never good be too long in a comfort zone (at least for me). So I left my jobs, moved out from the house and I set out for other new experiences. Starting of with Tasmania but this I will leave for my next post since there is a looot to talk about.

That's the end of the chapter my beautiful Perth, but I will be back for sure 💕

Just gonna finish with (some) highlights of the period of time while being here, because these were the ones that made my stay here memorable:

1. Spending time with friends

2. Beach days with coffee

3. Smiling people

4. Sunsets

5. Scarborough DJ events

6. Having dogs in the house where I lived

Hope your days are going well!

And I will see you next week,

Your Suzy 💙
